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Take a Trip through

The History of Art

The  Rutherford County Visual Artists Guild (RCVAG) the support from the N.C. Arts Council, is proud to present “The History of Art” online course. This course expands on the information presented here and dives deeper to explore more about the individual art movements and the artists and works that defined them.

This course was designed as an educational tool for teachers, group leaders, clubs, civic organizations and anyone else that wants to expand their knowledge of art. The course is a progressive course where you collect pieces of the color wheel, pictured here, as you move through the course.

Complete the course and you will receive a printable certificate to document your accomplishment. To keep it interesting, we have included little known fun facts about the movements and artists throughout the course. Enjoy and happy learning!


Since the beginning of man, art has been an integral part of our history. From the first cave paintings to graffiti messages on buildings, art has always been a way to tell our story and express our views and values.


Whether you consider yourself an artist or can barely draw a straight line, chances are you still connect with art on some level. Maybe it’s through a photograph on the cover of TIME magazine or the joy you get from reading the cartoons in the Sunday paper; art is a part of our lives. It influences our actions, motivates us to act or inspires us to create our own works of art.

Take a trip through the history of art and learn how it has shaped and transformed our world. Explore the artists that created it and what inspired them. Think about how your daily interactions with art. How does it influence you? How does it inspire you? Then, share your experience with others. 


Click begin class or pickup where you left off by selecting a time period below.

History of Art Timeline
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Help us continue to improve this class and also build the Community Art Park for all to enjoy.

This project was supported by the

N.C. Arts Council, a division of the Department of Natural & Cultural Resources.


The Student Artist Program has been growing in numbers for the last three years at the Rutherford County Visual Artists Guild (RCVAG). The creative talents of the Student Artists and their passion for learning new techniques and exploring the world of art is infectious. When the idea of building a Community Art Park and including a History of Art Timeline developed, two of our student artists approached us about helping.

Faith Walker and Abi Flores volunteered to do all the research needed to create the History of Art Timeline and online course as part of their Silver Award for Girl Scouts. They worked with local art teachers as well as artists at the Guild to review their work for accuracy, obtain feedback on the artists featured and insure that they created a course that could be used to teach others about art.

These young artists have done an extraordinary job on the project. Enjoy the History of Art Timeline. May it inspires you to create something wonderful to share with the world.



My name is Faith Walker.  I am 14 years old and attend Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy.  I am starting my tenth year in Girl Scouts as a Senior in Troupe 20166.

Girl Scouts have three awards to recognize leadership in their communities:  Bronze, Silver and Gold. I received my Bronze Award in 2015 as a Cadette and I wanted to work this year to earn my Silver Award. I chose the art history project based on my love of art and desire to share it with others. I want my community to see how art has changed over time and to develop a love of art so that they can experience art for themselves.


To me art is my time to relax and just be myself.  I became involved with the Artists Guild around the same time I started participating in Girl Scouts.  For several years I met with Judy Edney each week for art lessons.  This pushed me out of my shell and helped me explore my creative side.

In addition to art, I enjoy playing soccer, learning about math, attending Camp Crestridge and spending time with my pets.


My name is Abigail Flores. I am 14 years old and attend Thomas Jefferson Classical Academy. I’ve been a student member of the Guild for three years and have participated in their Celebration of Arts annual show.

I really enjoy painting, mostly watercolor, and that is one of the reasons I wanted to do this project with Faith for our Silver Award. I've always loved art. I usually just paint for fun but it also helps me relax. When I paint, it's like my happy place.

This year I won the Michaelangelo Artists Award at my school. Out of all the awards given that day, this one was the most important to me. I was really humbled that they picked me as top artist for my class.

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